The irony of MEP Nessa Childers recent statement on Facebook and regulation is that, while stating that ‘we can present on Facebook an unreal and flawless version of ourselves’, (which studies show does not happen in practice), and attempting to put herself across as an expert on the topic, she has exposed herself as acutely […]
An email I sent in to the Sunday Forum on RTE Radio 1 got picked up by Myles Dungan. The show was discussing Facebook and internet privacy issues: Sunday Forum May 30th and Sunday Forum May 30th – 2 The question was basically, can traditional ethics and morality keep pace with technology? To which I answered: […]
Looking at least twenty years younger than he is, and a billion dollars poorer, a wooden-looking Zuckerberg explains the new Facebook privacy settings. I’m no dinosaur, but the chap looks like he hasn’t even started shaving yet. And he quite cringeworthily mentions that it was his birthday (26th) was recently. As if to […]
As I predicted, the Facebook privacy bandwagon has continued to roll on. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Facebook, and MySpace, have been sharing users personal information with advertising companies, contrary to their official policies. This is extremely bad behaviour and will likely lead to more users peeling off and creating a greater groundswell […]
It’s pretty simple what’s going on, now that I’ve had a chance to think. Facebook’s ethos is ‘radical transparency’ Everything should be shared All information should be free We should share all our information This would make us all equal This is why: we have the News Feed the privacy default is public Facebook is built […]