For the notion of friendship ‘maintenance’ is ambiguous— I might speak of ‘maintaining’ my garden, when by this I mean throwing some water on it just often enough to keep it limping along, or I might refer to my sustained and careful efforts to nourish and tend to it lovingly, to ensure that every part […]
Here’s the presentation I gave last week in IADT. Audio didn’t work out too well, but I may re-record and add later. Video may follow later. Facebook and psychology: What we know so far View more presentations from CJAMcMahon.
A Seattle couple, Jason and Kelli Krafsky, have written an entire book about the problems of managing your current and previous relationships on Facebook Husband and wife write book to help couples navigate Facebook This is a more serious issue than you might think, but as I have previously posted, you don’t want to know […]
Given that these things are moving so quickly, it’s not surprising that these questions haven’t been asked before. However, the fact that this research seems to have found that psychological professionals aren’t being very clever about their use of social networking sites is a little bit worrying. In an article entitled ‘Psychologists’ Attitudes and Ethical […]
What are you actually doing, adding all those randoms? It seems that Facebook friendships are related to something called ‘social capital’ – you might say you’re stocking up on party dollars! But they’re probably not going to be much use… This research, from Nicole Ellison, Charles Steinfield and Cliff Lampe (2007, honestly didn’t make that […]