PsychBook Research

Collecting and analysing psychological research on the most popular social networking site in the world today.

Self-disclosure and student satisfaction with Facebook

Interesting new study in Computers in Human Behaviour about students and Facebook. All the research seems to be heading this way.

The purpose of the current study was to extend existing research examining the specific motives for creating and maintaining Facebook, and to connect these motives to users’ levels of self-disclosure and satisfaction with Facebook. Undergraduate students identified their reasons for using Facebook, privacy and self-disclosure settings, and satisfaction with Facebook’s ability to meet these motivational needs. Results indicated that the most common motives for using Facebook were relationship maintenance, passing time, and entertainment, although gender differences in motives for creating a Facebook page were observed. Males and females also differed in the overall level of self-disclosure as well as the type of information presented on their Facebook pages. Levels of self-disclosure, but not privacy levels, were associated with greater levels of satisfaction with Facebook to meet certain motivational goals.

Highlights? People use Facebook to maintain relationships, pass time, and for entertainment. ? Facebook users who disclose more information are not necessarily more satisfied with Facebook. ? There are significant gender differences for the self-disclosure of basic information and contact information on users’ Facebook profiles. ? Females have higher privacy settings on Facebook than males.

via ScienceDirect – Computers in Human Behavior : Self-disclosure and student satisfaction with Facebook.

5 December 2011 at 13:00 - Comments

Surely a first for Ireland? Fired for flaming on Facebook

From the Irish Examiner:

… the tribunal ruled the offensive material constituted a breach of trust so significant as to make Ms O’Mahony’s position untenable.

Think I might have forgotten something, but it certainly makes an interesting case.

2 December 2011 at 09:42 - Comments

ScienceDirect – Personality and Individual Differences : Why do people use Facebook?

Interesting new article – suggests that Facebook use is motivated from two basic needs – need to belong and need for self-presentation

ScienceDirect – Personality and Individual Differences : Why do people use Facebook?.

28 November 2011 at 16:44 - Comments

NUI Galway students request Facebook access blocked

The start of a trend perhaps? Research on this topic later this week

3 October 2011 at 19:37 - Comments

1 In 4 MBA Admissions Offices Probe Facebook

In a survey of US MBA schools, though not.enough to refuse admission, 22% of schools said they checked applicants Facebook profiles. More over at All Facebook…

13 September 2011 at 08:14 - Comments