Interesting new article – suggests that Facebook use is motivated from two basic needs – need to belong and need for self-presentation ScienceDirect – Personality and Individual Differences : Why do people use Facebook?.
In a survey of US MBA schools, though not.enough to refuse admission, 22% of schools said they checked applicants Facebook profiles. More over at All Facebook…
It turns your Facebook page into a spreadsheet
It’s probably not the best time to lash up a hastily planned blog post, being after 8pm on a Friday evening, and I really should be elswhere. But I’m sure you are all eager to hear what I think of Google’s new social network – positively frothing at the mouth, I expect. In that case, […]
This is rather odd: “None of the profile picture categories significantly differed by gender”. I would’ve thought there would be all kinds of gender differences in Facebook profile photographs. I suppose that depends on how they were coded…. ScienceDirect – Computers in Human Behavior : A picture is worth a thousand words: A content analysis […]