PsychBook Research

Collecting and analysing psychological research on the most popular social networking site in the world today.

Posts Tagged 'facebook'

Quality versus quantity: What does ‘friendship maintenance’ mean?

For the notion of friendship ‘maintenance’ is ambiguous— I might speak of ‘maintaining’ my garden, when by this I mean throwing some water on it just often enough to keep it limping along, or I might refer to my sustained and careful efforts to nourish and tend to it lovingly, to ensure that every part […]

18 February 2011 at 19:58 - Comments

Too many masks: Social media schizophrenia

Have you updated your Myspace account recently? Should you tweet that link or email it? Can you remember your Bebo password? Are you using your work address or your hotmail? Should this be a LinkedIn or a Facebook post? Are all your online profiles linked, consistent and up-to-date? I’ve been trying to draft recommendations for […]

12 January 2011 at 09:03 - Comments

Facebook and psychology: What we know so far

Here’s the presentation I gave last week in IADT. Audio didn’t work out too well, but I may re-record and add later. Video may follow later. Facebook and psychology: What we know so far View more presentations from CJAMcMahon.

4 November 2010 at 15:34 - Comments

Family, Facebook and the future of social networking

  As I mentioned the other day, Facebook set the stage for a big announcement yesterday. What they have announced, a new version of Facebook Groups, has apparently been in the pipeline for some time. Although Zuckerberg is typically ebullient when he says that they have been ‘completely overhauled‘, it’s hard not to see this development […]

7 October 2010 at 19:09 - Comments

Six Reasons Why I’m Not On Facebook, By Wired UK’s Editor

Is this just another old fuddy-duddy? or has he got a point? David Rowan is certainly knowledgeble about the field, and these are his key points 1) Private companies aren’t motivated by your best interests 2) They make it harder to reinvent yourself 3) Information you supply for one purpose will invariably be used for […]

21 September 2010 at 10:58 - Comments